Providing Better Student- Centered Solutions by Accelerating Opportunities!
Prepare Instantly Verified Students for College Enrollment and More!
Colleges can search for your students based on multiple criteria.
Students can also be matched to other opportunities, like scholarships, internships and jobs.
Students will be able to engage with colleges that invite them to apply, then send their records instantly!
What’s in your students’ digital locker?
GreenLight Locker is a secured “digital locker” of verified credentials and required documents that follows students from high school into the workforce. Students control their records and can securely and instantly transmit credentials and other pertinent records. FIVE MINUTES… That’s all it takes to get their transcript ready to apply for college and beyond! Students can get matched to opportunities like scholarships, colleges, internships, work-study programs, employment, and more…
What Makes GreenLight different?
Discover the Power of GreenLight’s Digital Locker Technology
Most, if not all students today were born as digital natives with the understanding that technology is something to be embraced. This generation may have never known a time without high-speed internet, and when it comes to mobile devices, they are like a fish to water. So why then, are we stuck doing things like we did with students 50 years ago when it comes to managing their academic records? Most students understand cloud storage, but GreenLight’s platform is built upon Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). This offers several benefits.
It's a Distributed Ledger
This type of ledger is a database that is commonly shared and synchronized across multiple sites, institutions, or geographies, and accessible by multiple people. This allows transactions to have public "witnesses." Therefore, if a document gets tampered with it will not match the copies shared by everyone else, and will be rejected. This is where a distributed ledger stands in contrast to a centralized ledger, which is more prone to cyber attacks and fraud, as it has a single point of failure.
It Empowers People
Increased Self-sovereignty - autonomous users identify themselves while maintaining control over the storage and management of their personal data;
Improved Transparency - A distributed ledger gives control of all its information and transactions to the users who conduct transactions with the knowledge that each party has the capacity to enter into that transaction.
Better Collaboration - the ability of parties to transact directly with each other without the need for mediating third parties.
Decentralized Data
The very nature of a decentralized ledger makes them immune to cyber-crimes, because all the copies stored across the blockchain network require a synchronized attack to be successful. In addition, the concurrent (peer-to-peer) sharing and updating of records make the whole process faster, more effective, and cheaper than ever before.
Reduces Operational Inefficiencies
This blockchain technology speeds up the amount of time a transaction takes to complete. These automated activities function 24/7, all of which reduces the overall costs for the participants that use them. Distributed ledgers also provide for an easy flow of information, which makes for an easy trail to follow when it comes time for an audit.
Why GreenLight?
What impact has GreenLight made?
Let’s ask some of the people who have been using our platform…
Reach out with your questions.
We’re excited to show you what it could be like to be able to send and receive student records in an instant, saving you time, frustration, headaches, and money! However, we’re sure you may have questions. Let us help you get to the right person. If you’re interested in a demo of our platform, please click here.