Providing Better Student-Centered Solutions by Accelerating Opportunities!

Prepare Instantly Verified Students for College Enrollment and More!

Colleges can search for your students based on multiple criteria.

Students can also be matched to other opportunities, like scholarships, internships, and jobs.

Students can engage with colleges, inviting them to apply and send their records instantly!

What’s in a student’s digital locker?

GreenLight Locker is a secured “digital locker” of verified credentials and required documents that follows students from high school into the workforce. Students control their records and can securely and instantly transmit credentials and other pertinent records. FIVE MINUTES… That’s all it takes to get their transcript ready to apply for college and beyond! Students can get matched to opportunities like scholarships, colleges, internships, work-study programs, employment, and more…

Give Your Students the Competetive Edge They Need!

GreenLight Credentials' Digital Locker empowers students with control, security, and accessibility over their academic records in a digital, verifiable format. Learn more about the Digital Locker by downloading our product sheet below.

GreenLight reduces the friction often associated with applying for community college, trade school, or 4-year college.”

Robert Mong, President, University of North Texas Dallas

Fully integrated with multiple student information systems, GreenLight allows students to control their digital portfolio, creating a life-long tool of verified information and a repository of credentialed competencies for career development. The platform is as easy as 1,2,3... Ready, Set, Go! 1) Download App, 2) Get Code 3) Register. Ready - Upload Records, Set - Choose and Match, GO! - Send and Share to Colleges and Employers!

Discover the Power of GreenLight’s Digital Locker Technology

Most students today are digital natives, having grown up in an era where technology is readily accessible and embraced. This generation has likely never experienced a time without high-speed internet and is very comfortable with mobile devices. Given this, why are we still managing academic records in the same ways we did 50 years ago? While most students are familiar with cloud storage, GreenLight’s platform utilizes the latest technologies, which offer several advantages.

Why GreenLight?

It’s a blockchain-distributed private ledger or secure record book that stores information safely.

This means the records within can be shared among trusted participants, where every entry is verified and linked to the previous one, ensuring transparency, accuracy, and privacy without needing a central authority.

  1. Shared among trusted participants - Only specific people or organizations can access and update it.

  2. Verified and linked entries - Every new record is checked and connected to prior records in a chain, making it tamper-proof.

  3. Privacy without a central authority - It keeps data private while eliminating the need for a middleman, like a bank or centralized server.

GreenLight Helps Students Succeed!

Students can connect with colleges and employers who trust their credentials are verified and authentic.

What impact has GreenLight made?

Let’s ask some of the people who have been using our platform…

Some of our GreenLight Schools

Why Should Your School Adopt GreenLight?

  • Students and educational institutions alike can securely and affordably share digital records using industry encrypted standards.

  • All data written to a record is permanent, easily verifiable, and tamper-resistant with Blockchain technology, making hacking, data breaches, and academic fraud virtually impossible.

  • Transcripts can be accessed anywhere and shared instantly, even on campus holidays, breaks, or during a natural disaster.
    No more delays or missed opportunities because transcripts have to be sent through the mail.

Get Started Today by Becoming A Reciever.

Becoming a receiver means that your institution can “receive” these digital records. Signing up only takes a moment, and it’s FREE & EASY!

Reach out with your questions.

We’re excited to show you what it could be like to be able to send and receive student records in an instant, saving you time, frustration, headaches, and money! However, we’re sure you may have questions. Let us help you get to the right person. If you’re interested in a demo of our platform, please click here.

Propelling Students toward their Dreams with the Technology of Today