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Press Release Announcing Exciting New Initiatives for the Future of North Central Texas College and its Surrounding School Districts.
GreenLight Credentials is pleased to report that the Rural College Promise initiative, which was created in 2021, has been a resounding success, meeting all established goals. Our team of partners has demonstrated exceptional collaboration and skill in delivering a platform that has exceeded expectations and satisfied all stakeholders involved. It has truly been a remarkable achievement for NCTC and its surrounding districts, and we are greatly appreciative of all the support from the Greater Texas Foundation.

Red River Partnership
With a majority of the ISDs within the Red River Promise area implementing and utilizing GreenLight, it is great to hear the success stories and impact that GreenLight is having when it comes to streamlining the process and empowering students through their educational journey and supporting the initiatives of Red River Promise in fostering a more robust college-going culture.

GreenLight Partners with Follett Higher Ed
In May, Follett Higher Ed and GreenLight Credentials announced a strategic partnership designed to to remove cost barriers and make it possible for every student to access postsecondary opportunities regardless of their economic situation.

Get to Know Manoj Kutty, GreenLight’s CEO
This #AAPIMonth, we recognize Manoj Kutty, founder and CEO of GreenLight Credentials LLC and board member of the Dallas Education Foundation.

GreenLight Gazette: Summer Edition
Our summer edition newsletter highlights the 2023 graduating class and developing their career-connected pathway utilizing GreenLight and the Texas College Bridge. The TCB helps struggling students become college-ready. Together, we are giving more students the green light to go than ever before!

When it comes to internships, the GreenLight Digital Locker can be particularly helpful.
April 2023 is Internship Awareness Month.

Innovation is needed to fix the broken enrollment system according to Forbes.
“Other promising innovation avenues exist. Greenlight Credentials — gives students more control over their information, effectively creating a market where colleges make competing bids for students. Argus promises a new college applications approach using various tools to collect deeper insight into student capability and interest, providing a better signal for schools to make decisions about which students to pursue.”

Celebrating Black History Month 2023
“During National Black History Month, we celebrate the legacy of Black Americans whose power to lead, overcome, and expand the meaning and practice of American democracy has helped our Nation become a more fair and just society." ~ The White House

The Higher Ed Enrollment Crisis
Did you know that nearly 1.3 million students have disappeared from colleges across the U.S. during the Covid-19 pandemic? This decline in enrollment is not new. Before the pandemic, the forecasted warning was clear – The Crisis in Higher Ed is the convergence of four trends, slated to come to a head in 2025." Unfortunately, the pandemic may have only hastened its coming. What can you do to help your institution survive and thrive?

World Suicide Prevention Day: With GreenLight Balance
At GreenLight, we help by helping you create a system of care by which the members of your organization can be a part of a network of trained peers to connect with for mental health support. Get early detection, peer support, and immediate connection to community resources all in the palm of your hand with GreenLight Balance!

Introducing Our New Newsletter: The GreenLight Gazette
Introducing The GreenLight Gazette, our first edition newsletter to be published quarterly.

GreenLight Means Go: Where Learner and Employment Records Are Headed
One of the key players in this space is GreenLight Credentials, a frictionless, user-controlled talent search and credential-communicator that addresses these issues. On the outbound side, institutions and their learners can store any type of verified record including transcripts, credentials, badges, or other documentation of learning. These learning experiences are then translated into data – competencies, skills, interests, and accomplishments that are then matched with scholarship, university and employment opportunities. Universities and employers can join the network to discover and connect with prospective students or employees.

GreenLight Becomes Part of the Backbone of Velocity Career Labs
GreenLight has partnered as part of this network.

Cooper Institute and GreenLight Team Up to Bring a Blockchain ‘Digital Locker’ to Student Fitness
What does blockchain technology have to do with a sixth-graders’ pushups or a sophomore’s 50-yard-dash? A lot more today, thanks to a new partnership between Dallas-based GreenLight Credentials and The Cooper Institute.

D CEO and Dallas Innovates Honors GreenLight Credentials With the Innovation in Education Award
GreenLight Credentials leverages blockchain technology to help users send academic and health records to colleges and employers. More than 100,000 students have used the platform to share records with over 2,500 colleges,” says Manoj Kutty, founder.

The United Way- Metropolitan Dallas Conducts its First Health Innovation Technology Challenge, and GreenLight VitalSign 6 is a Winner
VitalSign6 from GreenLight is a suite of depression screening and clinical decision support software tools that seek to improve the health and educational outcomes for thousands of minority and economically disadvantaged children through an approach that is highly scalable both in the region and across the state.