Becoming a Receiver is about
Making Connections
Why does my institution need to sign up? Are there any costs involved?
GreenLight streamlines the manual process of credential sharing and validation using distributed ledger technology or blockchain built on IBM Hyperledger Fabric. This allows students and educational institutions to share digital records quickly, securely, and affordably. In addition, your institution is being asked to sign on as a receiver because students at one or more schools will use GreenLight to send their transcripts to your institution during the application process.
It’s FREE! Sign up today and see what it’s like to start receiving records without the need to ask for them in the first place!
Got Questions? We’re happy to help!
Our Growing GreenLight Network
Let’s add you to the list! Institutions that are also FAST Pass Receivers are highlighted in bold
Abilene Christian University
Alvin Community College
Amarillo College
American College of Education
American Public University System
Angelina College
Angelo State University
Anne Arundel Community College
Arkansas State University
Arkansas Tech University
Austin College
Austin Community College
Azusa Pacific University
Baltimore City Community College
Bastyr University
Baylor University
Bellevue University
Brazosport College
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central New Mexico Community College
Central Texas College
Cisco College
College of the Mainland
The Citadel
Clarendon College
Collin College
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Colorado State University Global
Columbia College
Columbia College - Chicago
Concordia University
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas Christian College
Dallas College (formerly Dallas
County Community College District)
Dallas International University
Del Mar College
Denver College of Nursing
Emerson College
Florida A&M University
Frank Phillips College
Franklin University
Galveston College
Grayson County Community College
Houston Baptist University
Houston Community College
Howard College
Huston-Tillotson University
Indian River State College
Jarvis Christian College
John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Kansas Christian College
Kansas Wesleyan University
Kilgore College
Lamar Institute of Technology
Lamar State College-Orange
Lamar State College-Port Arthur
Lamar University
Laredo College
Lone Star College
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola University Maryland
Macomb Community College
McLennan Community College
McMurry University
Midland College
Midwestern State University
Miles College
Morehead State College
Mt. Hood Community College
National University La Jolla
Navarro College
North Central Texas College
Northeast Lakeview College
Northeast Texas Community College
Northwest Vista College
Odessa College
Oklahoma City College
Oklahoma State University
Oral Roberts University
Oregon State University
Ouachita Baptist University
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Palo Alto College
Panola College
Paris Junior College
Pima Community College
Ranger College
Rogue Community College
Sam Houston State University
San Antonio College
San Jacinto College
Santa Monica College
Shasta College
South Texas College
Southern Methodist University
Southern New Hampshire University
Southplains College
Southwestern Community College
Spelman College
St. Edwards University
St. Philips College
Stephen F. Austin University
SUNY Genesco
Southwest Texas Junior College
Tarleton State University
Tarrant County Community College
Temple College
Texans Can Academies
Texarkana College
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Texas Christian University
Texas Heart Institute School of Perfusion Technology
Texas Southern University
Texas Wesleyan University
Texas Women’s University
Trinity Valley Community College
Tyler Junior College
Uniformed Services University- College of Allied Health Sciences
University of Alabama
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
The University Of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Arkansas Community College at Hope-Texarkana
University of Dallas
University of Houston - Clear Lake
University of Houston - Downtown
University of Houston - Victoria
University of the Incarnate Word
University of Iowa
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
University of Maryland (CollegePark)
University of Maryland Global Campus
University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
The University of North Texas at Dallas
University of Southern California
University of South Florida
University of Texas at Arlington
The University of Texas at Dallas
University of Dallas at El Paso
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
University of Texas at San Antonio
Vernon College
Victoria College
Vincennes University
Weatherford College
West Coast University
West Texas A&M University
Western Texas College
Wharton Junior College
And Many More…
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