Clear Credit Pathways Lead to Increased Employment

Over 20 years ago, I joined with other state legislators to create e-government solutions to reduce paperwork and promote services to citizens. So, it is maddening to run into paper based processes that clog the pipes of progress. Student transcripts and credentials is one such area in need of cleaning.

The Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD), Dallas ISD and UNT-D are cleaning the pipes and connecting students from K-12 all the way to employment. Not only have the three education organizations collaborated to establish course and credit pathways leading to early college credits in key industry fields, but they are working to make it simpler and easier for students to get through the system.

One notable idea relates to student records and puts the students in charge of their transcripts and credentials they have earned. It is common knowledge that education attainment directly corresponds to better pay and better employment. Therefore, our common economic success is directly tied to education attainment and helping students receive credit for the work they have done. However, students often run into problems verifying credit hours due to hard to manage transcript processes. DCCCD, Dallas ISD and UNT-D are seeking a better solution and putting the student at the center.

In partnership with GreenLight Credentials, DCCCD is pioneering a student transcript service allowing both the student and the education organization to quickly verify course credits. According to the National Student Clearinghouse, there are potentially two million students eligible for college degrees but the inability to validate records is a major clog in the pipe. DCCCD and GreenLight have established a system where the student can send validated records to gain credit, apply for positions, and get employed. Plus, recipient organizations receive validated records directly from the student reducing the time associated with verification.

Education, employers, government agencies, and workforce commissions derive a direct benefit from receiving accurate data. But, according to GreenLight Credentials, it will be the students who benefit the most. After all, these records belong to the student. They earn them.



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